Segnali confortanti per le discesiste azzurre da Lake Louise, dove questa sera si è svolta la terza e ultima prova cronometrata in vista della discesa di domani sera: Elena Fanchini ha chiuso con il terzo tempo complessivo, a 65 centesimi dalla svizzera Dominique Gisin e alle spalle di Maria Riesch. Più arretrata Julia Mancuso, ieri la migliore oggi 9/a, tra le top10 Stacey Cook, Nadja Kamer, Anja Paerson, Lindsey Vonn, Anna Fenninger e la nostra Johanna Schnarf a chiudere il lotto. Più arretrate Fancesca Marsaglia 19/a con il pettorale 48, Daniela Merighetti 24/a, Verena Stuffer 30/a, Elena Curtoni 35/a (pettorale 55, alla sua prima discesa di Coppa), Lucia Recchia 41/a, Lucia Mazzotti 47/a. Marion Rolland, leader nella prima prova, è 14/a. La prova è stata a lungo interrotta dopo la caduta di Chemmy Alcott, pettorale 50, che è stata soccorsa in pista ed elitrasportata a valle. Si teme un nuovo infortunio al ginocchio per la britannica. (giovedì 2 dicembre 2010)
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Tutt i commenti disponibili:
1 | GeneraleLee il 02/12/2010 23:25:51
brutta caduta per la alcott...portata via in elicottero, si teme per il ginocchio
aggiornamento [:(] : Chemmy Alcott si è fratturata una gamba cadendo durante la terza prova della discesa libera, valida per la coppa del mondo femminile di sci alpino. La Alcott, 28 anni, è atterrata pesantemente dopo aver perso il controllo su un dosso sul 'Coaches Corner'. «L'impatto è stato molto pesante. Si è rotta la tibia e potrebbe avere anche un altro osso (perone) fratturato», spiega un comunicato. La Alcott è stata trasportata in elicottero all'ospedale di Banff e dovrà essere operata. Gli organizzatori hanno sottolineato che non ha mai perso conoscenza. Altre concorrenti sono cadute durante le prove, come la canadese Celine Rytz, anche lei portata via dalla pista in elicottero, infortunata alla gamba sinistra, ma non gravemente.
Alcott said on Twitter: "Thank you everyone for everything. Insane that something that brings you so much pleasure can also bring so much pain." Her best friend on the circuit, America's Julia Mancuso, went to hospital with her. She said on Twitter: "Chemmy's all fixed up, and doing well."
2 | lbrtg il 03/12/2010 08:54:14
Speriamo che per Elena, sia una "tranquilla" annata con costanza di risultati.
3 | GeneraleLee il 03/12/2010 09:09:55
"Severe impact caused the leg to break," Cassels (race chairman) said on the ski hill. "It is a bad break just above the boot and an open wound. She is being taken to Banff immediately, the room is now ready for her."
She was not the first to crash in Thursday's training as Canadian pre-runner Celine Rytz also fell and had to be rescued by helicopter. Rytz's injuries were not serious as she suffered a sore left leg.
Some of the racers, including World Cup overall champion Lindsey Vonn, were critical of the course in the lead up to Friday's downhill.
Defending downhill champ Vonn complained Thursday about icy and dangerous conditions on the course, which was made slick after organizers "injected" it last week by using high powered water guns to compensate for a lack of snowfall at the Rocky Mountain resort.
"It is a lot more icy," Vonn told AFP before Alcott's crash Thursday. "Conditions change from time to time. Sometimes it is grippy sometimes it is icy. You just don't know what to expect.
"This course takes a lot of aggression because it is not as challenging as some of the other courses and with the ice it steps it up a notch," said Vonn who is going for her seventh consecutive year winning at least one downhill at Lake Louise.
"I prefer to have the downhill not injected so you can feel the skis and what they are doing and it is more about your touch on the snow instead of just somehow trying to hold an edge.
"While it makes it more scary and gets the adrenaline going, it is more safer and better to keep it how it normally is -- nice and smooth snow and something the women can ski well on."
Cassels defended the course saying Vonn is the only skier he has heard make a complaint. He said organizers were by no means trying to ramp up the excitement level by making it slicker for the women.
"We don't need to touch this track, it is perfect," Cassels said. "It is an excellent race track from top to bottom."
Organizers said Thursday evening they would tweak the course for safety reasons by shaving about five centimetres off the jump on which Alcott crashed.
Cassels said the injection procedure was done prior to last week's men's races and when organizers discovered they had a slick track for the women they got workers to go onto the course with snow cats to help break up the icy patches.
France's Ingrid Jacquemod said she can tell the course is slicker than usual.
"It is a little bit icy. More icy than usual but it is not too easy and you have to push," Jacquemod said.
Sweden's Anja Paerson said she likes a fast track.
"I don't think it is too slick at all," Paerson said. "I have a comfortable run when I am on the ice. That is where I feel most comfortable because then I get no surprises. I think course is in perfect shape."
Switzerland's Dominique Gisin posted the fastest time in Thursday's final training run. Gisin flashed across the finish in one minute, 29.73 seconds, just 0.46 seconds ahead of Maria Riesch of Germany with Italy's Elena Fanchini third.
Friday's race will be followed by another downhill Saturday. The season opening Super-G is schedule for Sunday.
4 | leo85 il 03/12/2010 09:11:18
Speriamo davvero perchè le potenzialità per far bene le ha eccome...e anche le altre! Grandissima come sempre Julia che si dimostra grande non solo in piasta![;)]
5 | GeneraleLee il 03/12/2010 09:45:55
6 | lbrtg il 03/12/2010 10:42:39
Grande foto, grande fisico e grande tecnica.
7 | fabio.bdr il 03/12/2010 14:43:49
Non penso siano solo muscoli......
8 | simoski il 03/12/2010 15:29:14
elena ha le ginocchia di vetro, ma ha davvero ottime potenzialità..
se si rinforza sotto il profilo muscolare può davvero andar bene, deve crederci di più![;)]