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 Lindsey Vonn tra i Time 100
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Inserito il - 19 apr 2013 : 12:00:54   Permalink alla discussione Invia a cubodado un Messaggio Privato Aggiungi cubodado alla tua lista di amici  Rispondi Quotando
Lindsey Vonn compare nella categoria "Icons" (la stessa di Mario Balotelli) dell'elenco delle 100 persone più influenti al mondo secondo il settimanale "Time".

Ecco la lista completa, con sciatori e italiani in grasseto (al netto di dimenticanze):
Year 2013
The 2013 TIME 100
TIME presents its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world, from artists and leaders to pioneers, titans and icons

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Full List
•Jay Z
•Valerie Jarrett
•Elon Musk
•Oh-Hyun Kwon
•Scooter Braun
•Kevin Systrom
•Michael Kors
•Palaniappan Chidambaram
•Ren Zhengfei
•Ted Sarandos
•Gina Rinehart
•Markus Persson and Jens Bergensten
•Igor Sechin
•Tadashi Yanai
•Sam Yagan
•Shonda Rhimes
•Lebron James
•David Einhorn
•Magnus Carlsen
•Sheryl Sandberg
•Rand Paul
•Noynoy Aquino
•Barack Obama
•Chris Christie
•Hassan Sheik Mohamud
•John Brennan
•Park Geun-hye
•Yair Lapid
•Wayne LaPierre
•Kamala Harris
•Fethullah Gulen
•Xi Jinping
•Wilfredo De Jesús
•Tom Coburn
•Kim Jong Un
•Abdullah Ocalan
•Enrique Peña Nieto
•Elena Kagan
•Joe Biden
•Susana Martinez
•Mario Draghi
•Joyce Banda
•Pope Francis
•Jennifer Lawrence
•Christina Aguilera
•Steven Spielberg
•Jonathan Ive
•Alex Atala
•Ed Ruscha
•Mindy Kaling
•Jenna Lyons
•Bryan Cranston
•George Saunders
•Jimmy Kimmel
•Wang Shu
•Hilary Mantel
•Frank Ocean
•Jimmy Fallon
•Aamir Khan
•Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller
•Marissa Mayer
•Hannah Gay, Katherine Luzuriaga and Deborah Persaud
•Bassem Youssef
•Joaquim Barbosa
•Vrinda Grover
•Perry Chen
•Roya Mahboob
•David Coleman
•Travis Tygart
•Eric Greitens
•Andrew Sheng
•Don Yeomans
•Jared Cohen
•Moncef Marzouki
•Christopher Fabian and Erica Kochi
•Kimberly Blackwell
•Kai-Fu Lee
•Mary Nichols
•Peter Theisinger and Richard Cook
•Malala Yousafzai
•Lena Dunham
•Mario Balotelli
•Peng Liyuan
•Aung San Suu Kyi
•Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde
•Lindsey Vonn
•Justin Timberlake
•Gabrielle Giffords
•Daniel Day-Lewis
•Kate Middleton
•Michelle Obama
•Li Na

La presentazione per Lindsey Vonn è stata scritta da Danica Patrick (guarda caso una sportiva molto veloce che gareggia, talvolta ottentendo risultati di ottimo livello, a confronto diretto con gli uomini. Non ho mai sentito aneddoti su come scii Danica Patrick, ma sulla guida di Lindsey sì)

"Lindsey Vonn
Alpine ski racer, 28
By Danica PatrickApril 18, 2013
Alexis Boichard / Agence Zoom / Getty Images
I met Lindsey a few years ago at the ESPY awards, and it’s been great to see the success she has achieved: four world overall ski championships and Olympic gold. We can relate to each other because our sports are so similar, given the speed involved and the concentration level required. There’s an immediate level of respect when you meet someone who knows what you go through.

Both of our sports are amazing on television but better experienced in person. When you see what we do up close, you get a better understanding of how on the edge we are all the time. One-tenth of a second can be the difference between 20 places on the scoreboard, so every lap or downhill run, you’re as close to out of control as you can be.

We’re witnessing history with Lindsey’s accomplishments. She again won the World Cup downhill crown this year despite a season-ending knee injury in February. We should all wish her a speedy recovery so she can wow us again when she returns for the World Cup season and the Sochi Olympics.

Patrick, a NASCAR driver, is the first woman to win the pole at the Daytona 500

Modificato da - cubodado in data 19 apr 2013 13:11:50



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